Managing your toddler at Christmas
Christmas is an exciting time of year, and no one can get excited quite like a toddler. Perhaps a little too excited at times. How do you help them regulate these big emotions to prevent a full-on meltdown on Christmas…
24 Activities to do in Advent
Christmas is coming, but it’s not here yet. Now we are in the season of Advent, which is a season of preparation for Christmas. This is the time to go Christmas shopping, make decorations, sing Christmas carols and do tons…
60 Gift Ideas for an Only Child
So you have only one child to buy Christmas presents for, awesome. You don’t have to worry about siblings squabbling over each other’s gifts. But you will have to consider what gifts will be suitable for your child to play…
10 Ways to Pay It Forward during the holidays
Christmas is a time of giving. Everyone knows this. We work hard to teach our children that Christmas is about giving more than receiving, and then we give them heaps of Christmas presents. One way to remind our children that…
Best Christmas Gifts for Toddlers
So your baby has found their feet and they are now ‘toddling’ around the house opening cupboards they shouldn’t be opening and trying to squeeze through the stair gates. The toddler stage is super cute and super challenging. This is…
Christmas Traditions for Small Families
Family Traditions are extremely important, especially at Christmas time. It doesn’t matter if your family traditions involve the whole extended family with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Ethel, and strange Uncle Jim with their even stranger children, or you have a small…
The Etiquette of Giving and Receiving Gifts
Giving and receiving gifts can be a bit of a minefield. It shouldn’t be, but it is. People have different approaches when it comes to giving and receiving gifts. Some people value a sense of fairness, whilst others value homemade…
9 Things to Do During Autumn Half Term
It is the middle of Autumn. The nights are drawing in and the winds are picking up. Sops and I love the Autumn Half Term. We enjoy going on long wooded walks and crunching through the Autumn leaves. We like…
How to give the perfect gift using personality types
There is always one in every family. You know who I mean, the really awkward person that no one knows what to buy for Christmas. They just seem to have everything they want and they don’t really appreciate what you…
Returning to School in 2024
The summer holidays are coming to a close. The shops are displaying school uniforms and stationery. Are you wondering what you will pack in your child’s lunch box every day? Are you worried about how they will manage in their…