Baby Essentials List for Newborns
Whether you plan to have many children or just the one, your first baby is your only child (unless you are blessed with twins or more). So what sort of thing should you actually buy when having a baby? This is a good question because there is so much baby paraphernalia out there.
People buy things for their baby and then find out the baby isn’t interested in it or the item is not useful. The advert looked great. You thought it would solve a problem, but actually, it didn’t solve it at all.
Be warned! If you go to a specific baby store and you are expecting your first baby, a shop assistant may load you with loads of unnecessary things, saying that they are essential.
But fear not! This checklist is an honest account of what things you really do need when you have your first baby. This list is based on my own experiences from when Sops was young and from other parents when surveyed.
NB: Some of the links in this post are affiliated links. This means that Sops and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. For more information read our affiliation disclaimer.
Top Tip! Don’t buy everything all at once. Just get the essentials. You don’t know what you will need until you have had the baby and a need arises.
Absolute Essentials
Car Seat
When Princess Diana had Prince William she carried him out of the hospital and held him in her arms as she was driven back to Kensington Palace. That was back in 1982. When Princess Kate had Prince George in 2013, he was strapped into a baby car seat and they had to strap the car seat into the back seat whilst all the cameras were recording them. I wonder if they rehearsed how to do this before the event. I know it took Sops’ dad and I quite a long time to figure out how to get the car seat in securely, when it came to taking Sops home.
Thankfully, modern cars are now designed with ISOFIX making it easier to strap your baby’s car seat securing into the car.
NB: It is now a legal requirement in the UK for babies to be securely strapped into a car seat when travelling in a vehicle.
When it comes to baby car seats it is best to purchase an all-in-one pram that comes with a car seat, frame, carrycot, and pushchair.
Flip XTĀ³ Pushchair Complete Bundle with Cybex Cloud G Car Seat & Base (8 Pieces)
This bundle is very similar to what we had for Sops. You can take your newborn out for a walk as they sleep with their little fists clenched above their heads, coz that’s what babies do. Or perhaps you want to drive somewhere. You can use the car seat for that too, and use it as a pushchair when your baby is very young. But as your child grows they should be able to fit into the pushchair. This travel bundle should last as long as your child needs it. And most important of all, it comes with a universal cup holder, so you can enjoy a cuppa tea whilst going on a walk in the park. What felicity!
Nursery Set
What do you really need in a baby’s nursery? A cot? A wardrobe? A dressing table? A nursing chair? Well, it all depends on how long you want to keep the furniture as your baby grows. A newborn baby just needs a cot to sleep in and a chest of drawers for their clothes. You can change the baby on the top of the chest of drawers.
You may also want a nursing chair if you have the space. Although you will likely only use the chair whilst you are breastfeeding. Is it a good investment in the long term?
However, if you want the nursery to last until your child starts school you may want to invest in other furniture such as a wardrobe, bookshelf and toy box.
Top Tip: If you bottlefeed your child keep a mini fridge and the bottle warmer in the nursery, so you don’t have to keep going down to the kitchen during the night to feed your baby.
Sops had a simple nursery furniture set with a cot that turned into a toddler bed. (We knew it was time to take down the bars when she piled her toys up and tried to climb over them). There was a changing table on the top of the chest of drawers, but to be honest I often changed Sops’ on a changing mat on the floor. This is because I am quite small and found it hard to comfortably reach Sops on top of the chest of drawers. I also felt she was safer on the floor than high up on a changing table.
NB: Visit stores such as Mamas and Papas and look at the size of the furniture. Can you reach the changing table comfortably? Can you reach the bottom of the cot easily? If you are small, like me, you may need a cot where you can drop down the bars.
Harwell 3 Piece Range with Cot Bed, Dresser Changer & Wardrobe – Cashmere
This cute cozy cashmere set is ideal for your firstborn. It comes with an adjustable bed, so you can lower it when your child grows. The wardrobe contains double hangers, so there is plenty of space for your child’s clothes. It will be easy to change your baby on the dresser, as there is storage space for the nappies and wipes etc, in the boxes beneath. Sadly, that adorable baby in the picture doesn’t come with the set, but as you can see, they are jolly happy to be in this nursery.
PS: Don’t forget the cot sheets.
Baby Sleep Pod
Once upon a time, babies used to be swaddled. They were wrapped up in tight bandages to help them to grow. Poor things. Now we know that babies like to be free to wriggle. They love to kick, (or was that just Sops?) It’s nigh on impossible to tuck your newborn baby in their cot and expect them not to kick their blankets off. This is why it is vital to put them into a baby sleep pod, aka baby grow. This is like a blanket that they can wear. A bit like a baby sleeping bag. They can now kick their legs until their heart is content and there is no fear that they will kick their blanket off and get cold in the night.
Elephant Dreampod 0-6m – 2.5 Tog
This gender-neutral dreampod will be perfect for your baby. It gives loads of room for your baby to grow in it. They can flay their legs and arms as much as they want, which comes naturally to babies. Also, it has poppers at the sleeves to make it easy for you to take your baby out if they need changing. NB: You may need several of these dreampods, as babies can occasionally mess themselves all the way up their backs. How do they manage it?
Baby Monitor
When Sops was a baby we used a simple cheap two-way sound monitor, to listen out for her once we had put her to bed. It did the trick, but if I had a camera as well I would have felt more comfortable leaving her alone in her bedroom. Truth is, as a helicopter mum, I often went up to check on her. Now there are all sorts of modern cameras and recording devices to check on your baby, so you can rest downstairs without fear that the goblin king will steal your baby away.
VTech RM2751 Smart Video Baby Monitor – White
There are a plethora of baby monitors available. It’s hard to choose the best one. The VTech Smart Video Baby monitor is a reasonable price and it glows in the dark, so can serve as a night light for your baby. The camera sends live images to your smartphone. The monitor can also play relaxing music for your baby to enjoy as they slip into slumberland.
NB: If your baby is finding it hard to sleep, our post Our guide on getting your child to sleep will help.
Baby Clothes
When it comes to buying baby clothes you have to consider what time of year your baby is due. If they are due in the summer or you live in a hot country, you may need to just get some short baby suits. However, if your child is due in the winter or you live in a cold climate you may need to buy long-sleeved baby suits that are well insulated. Initially, your baby really does only need these little suits. You need a lot of them, as you will be changing them frequently throughout the day. Newborns just puke and poo all over their clothes. They have no respect for the amount of washing you have to do.
NB: Good luck putting socks on your baby. The socks are adorable, but they refuse to wear them. I suggest you don’t bother buying socks initially.
Giraffe Bodysuits (5 pack) – Neutral
These adorable soft gender-neutral body suits are perfect for your newborn. You will need several packs of these body suits. They can be used during the day and night time as your baby sleeps. Mamas and Papas offer gender-specific body suits too. Be sure to check their website for more choices, plus long-sleeved suits as well.
Baby Carrier
Initially, all you need is a baby sling. And you really need a baby sling. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s an absolute must-have. When I was pregnant with Sops my mother offered to buy me a baby wrap and in my haughty arrogance, I thought I knew better. Boy was I wrong. Every time I tried to lay Sops down she screamed her head off. Had I put her in a sling I would have had my hands free to do other things like the washing. In Africa, I saw mothers carrying their babies on their backs, baskets of fruit on their heads, and their hands were free to do other tasks. Amazing!
Baby Sling Wrap Newborn to Toddler Carrier, Stretchy Baby Wraps
Isn’t this a gorgeous picture? Look at that baby all snug against their mother’s chest. He looks as content in there as he was in the womb. This is a perfect solution to carry your newborn baby securely whilst you are free to do all the millions of chores that need to be done. Then you can flop on the sofa with your baby listening to your heartbeat as you drift off into much-needed slumber.
Feeding Equipment
You have no idea what you are going to need or not need when your baby is born. It all depends on the baby. Some babies cannot tolerate their mother’s breastmilk and you may need to go onto formula straight away. Some babies are born with additional medical problems and may need to be fed through a tube for a while. Other babies only like breastmilk straight from the source, and won’t drink from a bottle, even if it is their own mother’s breastmilk. Babies are fussy like that.
Find out how your baby wants to feed and then get the stuff you need.
For more advice on breastfeeding our post, The benefits of breastfeeding will help.
When you know how your baby wants to feed these are the things you may need to purchase.
Bottle Warmer 8-in-1 Fast Baby Milk Warmer and Steriliser
Imagine this, you have just finally drifted off into sleep and your baby starts to cry. He or she wants feeding again. Do you really want to go to the kitchen and turn on the dazzling lights, make up a bottle, put it in the microwave, and hope you don’t overheat the milk and burn your baby’s mouth? Or would you prefer to gently turn up a dimmer light in your baby’s room, take out a ready-prepared bottle in the mini-fridge, stick it into a bottle warmer, and feed your baby on a rocking chair? Just asking.
Ardo Alyssa Double Electric Breast Pump
I confess I did not use an electric breast pump when I was expressing milk, but plenty of my friends did and they said it was highly efficient. The Ardo Alyssa Double Electric Breast Pump has won the Made for Mums gold award for the best breast pump.
40 Pcs Breast Milk Storage BagsĀ
These little storage bags are perfect for storing and freezing your breast milk. Not sure whose name you are supposed to write on the bag? But with these bags, you can have a clear idea of how much you have expressed and when you put the bag into the freezer. They are BPA free and have been pre-steralized.
NB: Don’t forget muslin cloths, as your baby will dribble and puke all over your clothes. And don’t forget breast pads, as your breasts will dribble too.
When your newborn is c. 6 months he or she may be ready for solid foods. Our guide on ‘How to wean off breastfeeding‘ recommends all the equipment you’ll need for the next stage in your baby’s growing journey.
And so endeth our baby essential list for newborns. For toys and things to entertain your baby our post 60 gifts for an only child recommends a few toys for babies.
Do you think we have covered the essentials? Is there anything missing? Please do let us know in the comments below.
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