Best gifts for a Baby’s First Christmas
No babies remember their first Christmas. Some babies are newborns and all they want to do over Christmas is sleep, feed and poop. Some babies are close to a year old for their first Christmas and they are much more fun. They are cute, they enjoy playing with their new toys, and they will probably love a pureed Christmas dinner too.
But to be honest, everyone knows a baby’s first Christmas is really for the parents. They want to shower their child with affection and take hundreds of photos of their baby in the cutest ‘elf’ baby sleepsuit and then share the photos with everyone else. So what do you get for a baby’s first Christmas that the baby and their parents will treasure forever?
Our recommendations cover a number of needs including the following:
- Toys for Babies aged 0-12 months.
- Practical gifts that babies may not appreciate, but their parents sure will.
- Personalised gifts that everyone will love for years to come.
- The cutest presents in the world.
N.B. This post includes affiliated links, which means Sops and I may make a small commission if you make a purchase. For more information please read our affiliate disclaimer here.
Baby’s First Christmas Toys
Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Musical Rainforest Activity Gym, baby playmat with toys, music and lights
Sops was 6 months old for her first Christmas. She received this very same Rainforest Activity Gym as a Christmas present from her Aunt and it was a big success. I could lay her down on it and she could entertain herself with all the wonderful sensory aids whilst I put the clothes away or did the ironing or another one of the many jobs a parent has. Both the baby and the mother was happy with this gift.
Fisher Price Colour Climbers Jumperoo
I don’t know if your baby is anything like Sops when she was a baby, but that girl was born a bouncer. By bouncer I mean she jumps and rolls all over the place. She now does gymnastics.
We couldn’t add a bouncer seat to the ceiling where we were living at the time, but this is the next best thing. The springs allows your baby to lightly bounce and strengthen their leg muscles, whilst all the toys give them enough stimuli to muse themselves whilst you are busy with household chores. This chair is static too, so no fear of them running into your legs with a wheeled seat whilst you are washing up. But there is a wheeled seat available for when your baby wants to practice walking.
WISHTIME Baby Teething Toys Rattles Teethers – Baby Toys 0-6 Months Plus with Storage Box
Teething sucks. Literally! To relieve the pain, babies like to suck on things. Anything! So to prevent them from sucking on your finger or on a dirty lint ball they found under the sofa why not give them some clean specially designed teething toys.
This pack of 10 BPA-free teething toys comes with its own little store box, so when your baby throws one teething toy out of their pram on the muddy ground you have 9 more clean toys to hand to him or her.
KUANGO Tummy Time Mirror Toys for Babies
Babies are vain creatures. They absolutely love looking at themselves in mirrors. Any human face is appealing to a baby, even if it is their own.
This is a great play mat as it folds into a stand-up sensory toy, with other material for the baby to feel and suck on. It can even be used in the car, so your baby can happily look at their own face for hours on end whilst you drive to great Aunt Suzie’s Christmas party.
Usborne Touchy-Feely Thats Not My Christmas Collection
Sops loved these books when she was a baby. I would guide her little chubby hands over different textured surfaces and describe what she was feeling.
These books are a great way of introducing your baby to new words and sensations. The illustrations are bright and colourful and the stories are simple and repetitive, which will help your baby to understand.
Practical gifts that babies may not appreciate, but their parents sure will.
Izmi Essential Baby Wrap
My mum suggested buying one of these for me whilst I was pregnant and I declined. I regretted that. After having Sops, I learned that newborns are like baby kangaroos, they still need to be tethered to their mother. Every time I tried to lay my newborn baby down she just wailed.
If that I this baby wrap I could have strapped Sops to my person and still have my arms free to do stuff. As it was I had to hand Sops over to a neighbour to hold her whilst I put my washing up.
Believe me, this would make a wonderful gift to a new mother.
Red Kite Sleep Tight Travel Cot
We took Sops to see her great-grandad when she was only two months old. We bought this travel cot and it did just the job. It was easy to put together. It was sturdy and it was affordable.
This travel cot packs up easily and the bag is not as bulky as other travel cot bags.
If you are not going to use a travel cot too often this affordable travel cot is perfect for your needs.
Changing Bag Backpack
When I visited The Gambia in Africa, I was always impressed with the women who carried a baby of their back, a bowl of food on their heads, and their hands were free to do other things. Talk about multitasking!
Well, this changing bag backpack is the next best thing to help new mothers carry everything they need. The front pocket opens completely so you can have access to the baby’s bottles. There are so many separate pockets for all the baby paraphernalia you have to carry such as nappies, wipes, a change mat, teething toys, bottles, and the rest. It even has clips to clip on the pram handles.
For other present ideas to help new parents check out Our Guide of Getting Your Child to Sleep.#
Personalised Baby’s First Christmas gifts that everyone will love for years to come.
Personalised Baby’s First Christmas Bauble
This is a wonderful gift for a baby’s first Christmas. Sure, the baby may have no idea what it is initially and the cat may spend the whole holiday trying to knock it off the tree, but eventually, your child will appreciate this gift.
They will love to be the one to hang up this very special personal bauble. They will hang it up with pride every year and then proceed to ask you questions about what their first Christmas was like because they cannot remember it.
Baby’s First Christmas Photo Frame
Sops’ godparents bought her a ‘Baby’s First Christmas’ photo frame for her first Christmas. We added a cute little picture of her sleeping in it and she still has it up on her window shelf.
Basically, it is like having a little bit of Christmas all year round and it is nice to be reminded of how small and precious she was when she was just a baby.
Baby’s First Tooth & Curl Boxes
In some cultures, it is popular to keep your baby’s first tooth and curl of their hair. I am not sure why. Perhaps it is a Victorian thing?
Sops’ was given a couple of little boxes like these to put her first tooth and a lock of her hair in it. We have a baby keepsake box in the loft with a few of her favourite baby toys, a couple of dresses, and these little silver plated boxes with her first tooth and a curl of her hair.
She discovered her other baby teeth I had hidden away, so bang goes the tooth fairy story!

Baby’s First Year Photo Album
Someone bought us this album when Sops was first born and it made a wonderful gift. We were able to add a photo of every month of Sops’ first year. The front page is so adorable.
This album has a velvet backing and 18 double sided pages. It can hold the following:
24 photos (4″ x 6″)
24 photos (5″ x 7 “)
12 Photos ( 8″ x 10″)
Dimensions: H:29cm W:24″ D:3cm
Personalised Baby Record Book
A baby record book is a really useful book to have, for when you child asks loads of questions about what they were like as a baby. Believe me you will forget the details.
This is a cute handmade book that you can personalise with your baby’s name and photograph for the front page.
You can write down their birth weight and when their first tooth came through, and all sort of other titbits like that to treasure forever.

The cutest presents in the world for a Baby’s First Christmas.
Personalised White Hooded Robe With Ears
Anything looks extra adorable when you put little ears on it and this baby dressing gown is no exception.
You can even personalise it, so your baby knows that dressing gown belongs to him or her and they don’t get it muddled with their parents’ dressing gowns. (I heard that can happen.)
This dressing gown is a lovely soft robe and perfect for wrapping your baby up after a delightful rubber duck filled bath.
Baby’s First Christmas Suit
Nothing says adorable like a cute Christmassy baby suit. And this one is perfect as you can personalise it too and even add the year of their first Christmas.
Once they have out grown it you can pack it into their ‘baby box’ to coo over as you sort through their belongings in the loft before they go off to university.
Baby’s Christmas Stocking
This is a delightful personalised baby Christmas stocking. Your baby will love the bright colours and soft felt material. They will enjoy discovering the presents inside that Santa has left them.
This stocking makes a wonderful additional decoration in your house.

White Bubble Teddy Comforter
My brother used to suck his thumb and the corner of a very grubby cushion. This is a common habit among baby’s and toddlers, which is why this teddy comforter is perfect for a baby’s first Christmas. The can hug the bear and suck on the blanket.
As it is personalised you can always identify this comforter is your baby’s toy after they lose it in the shopping centre (which they will do).

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