All posts related to parents, teens and children
What is so awesome about Minecraft – for kids
Minecraft is awesome for kids, especially if you are an only child. Through Minecraft, you can meet with other children online and build worlds together. There are loads of games you can play together and you can even create your…
How to wean off breastfeeding
So you have mastered the wonderful maternal art of breastfeeding. Your child has flourished and grown strong from your milk. You have developed a beautiful bond between your baby and yourself. But there comes a time when your child needs…
The Benefits of Breastfeeding an Only Child
Breast is best. That’s what medical professionals are promoting nowadays. When my mum was having children in the 1970s the professionals were strongly pushing formula milk to mothers. She was the strange one, who insisted on using her own breast…
Making GCSE Choices – A Young Persons Guide
So, you are in Year 8 or 9 and you have to make your GCSE choices. Pretty daunting right? Well, fear not! Our guide on how to make GCSE choices will help you make a fully informed choice without any…
How to make friends if you are an only child
By Sops & Tamsyn It’s great being an only child. I get all the attention from mum and dad. They take me out on trips and to awesome holidays. I don’t have any brothers or sisters to irritate me when…
A Child’s Guide on Dealing with Bullies
Bullies are the worst! They can really make your life a misery. But you have to be careful when dealing with bullies as you don’t want to escalate the situation. In other words, you don’t want the bullying to become…
Top 10 Best Roald Dahl Books Ever
Sops and I love Roald Dahl’s Children’s Books. They are so eccentric. They match our weird personalities perfectly. We love the characters so much. Some are horrendously horrible, whilst others are disgustingly sweet. Roald Dahl wrote 34 books. Some of…
Things to do on long journeys
Travelling long journeys is fun. And boring. But exciting. They usually mean you are going somewhere exciting like on holiday or seeing a relative you love or barely know, but suspect you will love. Relatives, who live far away from…
How to teach your child money management
Money management is a key life skill that every child should learn. Some people argue that schools should teach money management, whilst other people think that parents should teach it at home. I say that if parents can teach their…
How to Encourage Your Child to do Household Chores
Nobody wants to do household chores. That’s why they are called ‘chores’. The only people who seem to like them are toddlers who want to imitate their parents by doing “grown up jobs“. And bless them, they cannot do a…