
All the fun things in life

  • Top Romantic Family Films featuring images from Hercules, Splash, Lady and the Tramp and Up

    Top Romantic Family Films Of All Time

    How gushy are you feeling today? Are you ready to well-up with happy tears as you watch your favourite couple smooch on screen? I am a hopeless romantic and have watched thousands of romantic films over the years. Most of…

  • Snowdrops

    Things to do in February Half Term

    The February Half Term Holiday is one of the most challenging holiday breaks in the school calendar. It only lasts a week, so there is not much time to fly to warmer climates, especially if you are on a tight…

  • Pancake Day

    8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pancake Day

    Pancake day, (otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is a Christian event to mark the start of Lent. Christians are encouraged to fast during Lent. This means they go without food on some days.…

  • A montage of Easter movie pictures.

    Family Friendly Easter Movies

    There are not as many Family Friendly Easter Movies as there are Christmas Movies. This is a pity, because, after a long day of hunting for Easter Eggs, you may just want to watch an Easter film whilst stuffing your…

  • Christmas decorations on a table with a note book saying "New Year Goals".

    How to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

    Are New Year Resolutions still a thing? They probably are, but people use different terms for it. “Goal setting. Annual challenges. Future plans. Dreams for 2025” etc. No one dares use the term New Year Resolutions. It’s like a cursed…

  • Lifestyle

    24 Activities to do in Advent

    Christmas is coming, but it’s not here yet. Now we are in the season of Advent, which is a season of preparation for Christmas. This is the time to go Christmas shopping, make decorations, sing Christmas carols and do tons…

  • girl holding a present in front of a christmas tree

    60 Gift Ideas for an Only Child

    So you have only one child to buy Christmas presents for, awesome. You don’t have to worry about siblings squabbling over each other’s gifts. But you will have to consider what gifts will be suitable for your child to play…