Celebrating Father’s Day
Dad’s are great. They are fun, they are considerate, and they know how to undo jam jar lids. There are some wonderful fathers out there providing for their families and giving excellent support and advice to their children. I don’t think fathers are really appreciated enough. Many dads take a stoic approach to fatherhood, and may not ask for praise for what they do, but I am sure they would appreciate it. The more we show our appreciation for our dads, the more they will feel valued. But how do we celebrate Father’s Day to show that we really do care for our dads?
Where to Start?
Firstly, find out their love language. Encourage them to take this test. Then you will know the best method to use to express your love to them.
If you are struggling to encourage them to take the Love Language test, put them to the test yourself. Subtly try all the different Love Languages and see how your dad responds. Compliment him, give him a huge hug, ask to go for a walk with him, offer to help him with a chore or make him a little card. See how he responds to all these things. The action that brings him the most happiness could be his Love Language.
For more information about how to apply Love Languages to show appreciation for your dad, check out our Celebrating Mothering Sunday post.
Secondly, write down all the things that interest him. For example, sports, gardening, or an entertainment franchise like Star Wars. You need to spend the next few days listening to him and observing him to see what he talks about a lot. If you go shopping with him, and he seems interested in an item, take a photograph of it.
Lastly, create an ‘ideas’ board for your dad. Stick a picture of him in the middle of a page and then stick pictures of things that inspire him, including any photos you have taken of stuff that interests him. Write words down about why you love him, (e.g. funny, thoughtful, dedicated).
Now you have a better idea of how to celebrate Father’s Day with the maximum impact.
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Potential Gifts for Father’s Day
Do you find it hard to buy gifts for the men in your life? Do they seem to have everything? Have they already got millions of, “Best Dad Ever” Beer mugs? Do you want to buy him something that really piques his interest? Now you have made an ‘ideas’ board, you should find it easier to buy something for your dad.
Here are some ideas to try:
Book Tokens If your dad enjoys reading, it would be great to get him a book he has shown interest in. Maybe check out book reviews on the genre that he likes the most? But, if your dad really loves to spend the day browsing bookstores, it may be better to buy him a book token.
Gadgets What is it about men and gadgets? Do they seem to want a tool for every job going? If your dad is gadget crazy, consider one of his hobbies/interests and then buy him a gadget to help with the hobby. For example, if he is interested in Photography and travelling, I’d recommend this case to carry all his equipment in.
Games Dads are big kids really, and they love gaming. Whether it is a board game, card game or something on a game’s console, they just love solving puzzles and escaping reality. Why not celebrate Father’s Day with this fun challenging game. It is called, ‘Beat That‘. The game is for the whole family and can be played with 2-8 players. It suggests 160 challenges to keep everyone entertained. Your dad can show off a multitude of skills he has.
Tools I am not sure whether dads enjoy doing D.I.Y or not, but my dad was so practical he would take his tool kit everywhere he went; even on holiday! If your dad likes to mend things, why not buy him a multitask tool like this one, or a portable tool kit like this one. These items are useful for light occasional use and make great gifts for Father’s Day.
Personalised Gift. Add an extra special sparkle to your gift by personalising it. Maybe it is a photo of you in a personalised frame? Or a BBQ tool with his name on it? Think of a gift that would match your dad’s interests and then add his name to it to make it priceless. Check out some ideas on gettingpersonal.co.uk.
Magazine Subscription If your dad is interested in a particular niche, it may be worth buying him a magazine subscription. Magazine subscriptions are a great idea for gifts as they just keep on giving. Greatmagazines.co.uk sell a huge range of popular subscriptions. You’re sure to find a magazine topic that will pickle your father’s fancy.
Homemade from the Heart
Sops’ dad loves it when she makes homemade cards for him. She uses her creative skills to personalise the card and puts loads of effort into it. There is something extra special with a homemade gift or gesture that always touches a person to the core, and dads are no exceptions. Here are some ideas for homemade gifts and gestures to try:

Make a Father’s Day card. There are loads of great ready-made cards on sale at the moment for Father’s Day. But if you are young, why not try making him a card. Print pictures of things that your dad likes, and add your own drawings to create a collage for your dad.
Make him Breakfast in Bed. Maybe you made your mum breakfast in bed on Mothering Sunday? Maybe your dad helped you to make her breakfast in bed. This time it is daddy’s turn. Be sure to cook his favourite breakfast, (which will probably be a full English with lashings of brown sauce).
Write a story for him. If you have a wild imagination, write your dad a story and be sure to make him the hero. Add your best illustrations too.
Bake something for him. Does your dad enjoy baking? If so, bake something with him, otherwise, bake him a cake or some other sweet treats and give them as a treat. I am sure he’ll greatly appreciate it.
Take part in his favourite hobby with him. If your dad likes gardening, for instance, go out into the garden with him and try it out yourself. Whatever your dad is interested in, he will love to teach you and share his enthusiasm.
Things to Do on Father’s Day
I think it is great that Father’s Day falls in June. With the better weather, there is so much more to do outside. From taking a leisurely walk in the woods to having a BBQ party in your garden or going out for a fun day with your family there are so many exciting options to celebrate Father’s Day. What about attending a special community event for Father’s Day? Look up your local region to see what is taking place in your area on the 19th of June this year.
For example, here in Norfolk, Gressingham Farm and Workhouse are holding a Father’s Day event. If your dad loves history, he’ll really love this place.
If you live in London, why not visit one of the National Trust properties in the capital, and have a great day out with your papa.
Is your dad interested in vintage aeroplanes? Why not take him to an air show? Check out the British Airshow calendar for more details.
Sports might be your dad’s thing. Maybe he follows football or he goes to Wimbledon every year? Does he enjoy watching The Grand Prix on television? Maybe you can ask some other daddy friends to come round, and they can watch a football match together on a Big Screen, whilst you cook up a BBQ? Check out the Sporting Tourism Calendar for 2024 for more information.
However you choose to celebrate Father’s Day this year, make sure your dad has the best day ever. He deserves it. Let us know what you do on Father’s Day in the Comments box below.

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