Family Friendly Easter Movies
There are not as many Family Friendly Easter Movies as there are Christmas Movies. This is a pity, because, after a long day of hunting for Easter Eggs, you may just want to watch an Easter film whilst stuffing your faces with chocolate. So, we are going to recommend a few Easter Movies that are directly Easter themed, and some may just put you in a springtime mood.
Easter Movies
Hop (2011)
Hop is a great modern Easter movie. This is a amusing film about the son of the Easter Bunny who wants to carve his own career as a musician, rather than follow in his father’s paw prints. It has all the charm of an American Family comedy, with a valuable moral in the tale. It can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Did you know the Easter Bunny is actually Australian? I didn’t either until I watched this movie. Sadly, this film did not do well at the box office, but has grown a large fan base. The Guardians are mystical beings that children believe in such as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. It’s their job to protect children against the Boogy man. Each mystical being has their own land where they work, and it’s fun seeing where the Easter Bunny lives. I rather like this fantasy film, but be warned the Boogy man may be scary for small children.
It’s the Easter Beagle (1974)
This is a charming classic film. I love to watch this with the same sense of nostalgia as watching The Snowman at Christmas time. The cutest scene has to be when Snoopy dancing with Easter Bunnies. Sops is not a fan of watching ‘old’ movies like this, but I think younger children will enjoy this classic.
Easter Parade (1948)
This is a delightful classic Easter film. I must confess I enjoy watching Fred Astaire films over the Easter period. The films are so stylish and classy. In this film, Don Hewes (Fred Astaire) plays a famous dancer. He teaches a waitress (Judy Garland) to sing and dance so they can become a famous double act. This film may not be appealing to your child. Sops always falls asleep during it, but that is because it is just full of singing and dancing and not explosions or rude humour. As I said, it’s classy.
Biblical Films
The Prince of Egypt (1998)
When Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, it was actually The Passover meal. This is a Jewish celebration, where Jews remember how God freed them from slavery in ancient Egypt. The Prince of Egypt tells the story of Moses and the Passover. This is a great animation with an awesome soundtrack. The story of Exodus is epic. This film is a perfect introduction to one of the greatest bible stories ever.
The Miracle Maker (2000)
This is a charming animation of Jesus’ life through the eyes of a little girl, (an only child to be honest), called Tamar. Jesus bring her back from death and then she follows him with her parents. She witnesses his death and resurrection and even his ascension. This film is beautifully animated and a great way to introduce your child to the Easter story.
Ben Hur (1959)
This film is as epic now as it was in 1959. They actually filmed the chariot race as a live action scene, no computer graphics here. The actors bravely risked life and limb to film this scene. They did a modern shorter version of Ben Hur in 2016, but it’s not as good as the original. The film tells the story of a Jewish nobleman betrayed by his Roman friend and sold into slavery. His life is paralleled with Jesus’ mission and occassionally he encounters Jesus. This is a beautiful story about forgiveness and redemption.
Spring Films
The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny
Okay, I confess, this is not a movie but a TV show that I used to watch as a child. There is a modern movie version on Netflix using CGI, but I prefer this version. The animation is similar to Beatrix Potter’s illustrations and there is a certain charm to the TV series that I think the modern movie lacks. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit (2005)
Is this an Easter/ Spring Movie or a Halloween Movie? I’ll let you decide. Let me know in the comments below. But it does involve a giant bunny rabbit and rabbits represents Spring Time. That is why we recommend this glorious stop-motion thriller for the whole family. Trust me, your child will adore all the little bunnies that Wallace and Gromit capture ethically to protect the villagers’ vegetables.
Wind in The Willows (1995)
There are a quite a few versions of Wind in The Willows. Some are animated and some are live action versions, and I have seen them all. But in my humble opinion this is the best version by far. The late great Rik Mayall is perfect as the eccentric Mr Toad. The animation is beautiful and the narrator sticks to the original text by Kenneth Grahame. This is a perfect spring time movie to watch.
We hope you feel inspired by our list of Easter Movies to watch? If you have a favourite film to watch over the Easter period please let us know in the comments below.
If you are wondering what else you can do as a family on Easter Sunday our post 10 Ideas on Celebrating Easter Sunday may help.
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