Perfect Gift Ideas for Mothering Sunday
As a mother, I value Mothering Sunday more than my birthday. I love my daughter, and I do so much to enrich her life. It is nice to be appreciated for this. There are so many ways to show your mother how much you love her. It is best to consider your mum’s love language when you want to give her the perfect gift. If you are thinking of buying her a gift, here are 10 perfect gift ideas for Mothering Sunday that will speak your mother’s love language.
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Love Vouchers
If your mother’s love language is Gifts of Service or Quality Time, these love vouchers are the perfect gift ideas for Mothering Sunday. You can offer to take her out somewhere or to do a task that she will appreciate. With these vouchers, she will have additional choices that will truly empower her and let you know exactly what she wants, so you don’t have to guess it.
Luxury Bamboo Bath Rack
This is a perfect gift for your mother if she likes having long relaxing baths. It is perfect for the introvert too. She can lay back and watch a show on her tablet or read a book whilst sipping on a glass of bubbly and soaking up the divine scent of an aromatherapy candle, without anyone to disturb her. What bliss!
Aromatherapy Candle
I adore aromatherapy candles. The scent of smell is incredibly powerful. A nice smelling room can do wonders for your well being. I especially like the smell of bergamot as it smells particularly posh. Your house or bathroom will smell like a spa with these beautiful bergamot candles.
Hug in a Box Pampering Kit
If your mum’s love language is Physical Touch she will adore this kit. She will love to be pampered. She will also love to have all her senses stimulated and this kit provides it all. Well, except something to stimulate her sense of sound, but I am sure your melodious singing will do the trick.
‘Reasons I love You’ Gift
This is a perfect gift for mothers whose love language is Words of Encouragement. They thrive off compliments. If your mother often pays other people compliments, then chances are her love language is Words of Encouragement. What better way to tell your mother that you love her than to give her a permanent display of why you love her with these beautiful encouraging words.
Daily Dose of Love Pills
This is a really cute gift for your mother if Words of Encouragement is her love language. You can choose what you want to write on each piece of paper. Perhaps it could be how much you love her. Maybe you can share a poem or an encouraging quote? Perhaps you can draw a little picture. Whatever you choose to write will be a daily blessing for your mother.
Personalised Gift Box
Gift-giving and Receiving is another love language. Some people love to give and receive material gifts, and this box is a perfect present for them. If your mother’s love language is Gift-giving and Receiving, she will love this box. You can personalise it and add other presents to the box. Then she can use it for a storage box forevermore.
Donut Making Kit
If your mother’s love language is Quality Time, then why not give her this doughnut-making kit, so you can make doughnuts together. This is a great gift for children to buy for their mothers, as children love to bake with their parents. My mouth is drooling just looking at the picture.
Gardening Kit
Is your mother green-fingered? Does she like to spend time in the garden to make it look beautiful? If so, this will be the perfect gift for her. It offers plenty of practical tools to help her grow her perfect garden. Perhaps you can help her plant flowers together to make a cherished memory?
Disney Wine Glasses
This is a perfect gift for your mother if she is a Disney fan and likes drinking wine with her chums. Can you imagine your mother sipping from a glass of vino with an image of Pumba on it and talking about grown-up stuff like house insurance with her friends? Because that is what mothers talk about, honestly. There are other Disney wine glass options available.
We hope you have found this post helpful and given you a plethora of ideas for gifts to give to your mother. To find out more about the 5 Love Languages and things to do for your mother on Mothering Sunday check out our post ‘Celebrating Mother’s Day‘.
How are you going to celebrate Mothering Sunday this year? Let us know in the comments below.

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