8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pancake Day
Pancake day, (otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is a Christian event to mark the start of Lent. Christians are encouraged to fast during Lent. This means they go without food on some days. Traditionally, people have made pancakes on the day before Ash Wednesday to use up staple foods such as flour, eggs, and milk. They stuff themselves with pancakes so they are full up ready for the next day of fasting. Pancake Day is a popular event in the UK, USA, and throughout Europe. We hold all sorts of fun events on Pancake Day. So here are some ideas on how to celebrate Pancake Day this year.
How to Celebrate Pancake Day: Sing the Pancake Song
During the 1990s, the Children’s BBC channel hosted an awesome show called, “Maid Marian and her Merry Men”. It starred Tony Robinson (aka Baldrick from Blackadder). It was one of my favourite children’s shows of all time. At the beginning of one of the episodes they sang this song and it has stuck in my mind ever since. So start your pancake day singing this merry tune:
How to Celebrate Pancake Day: Have Pancake Tossing Race
Here in the UK, there is a tradition of Parliamentarians hosting a pancake tossing race. Members of the Houses of Lords and Commons race against members of media as they toss pancakes. Perhaps you can hold a similar race in your neighbourhood, workplace, or school? It certainly looks like a lot of fun.
How to Celebrate Pancake Day: Try traditions from other countries
Here at The Only Child Club, we like to encourage our readers to try out food and customs from other cultures. This is why we created the magic flying carpet game. On Pancake Day, why not hop onto your flying carpet and visit Denmark where they really know how to party on Pancake Day.
To learn more about how Pancake Day is celebrated around the world check out Alpha’s Travel Insurance post, Top 5 Weird Pancake Day Traditions (they give a good in-depth description of what goes on in Denmark.)
How to Celebrate Pancake Day: Eat Pancakes
The best way to celebrate Pancake Day is to make pancakes. There are several different recipes for pancakes. We are going to share two different types of pancakes; Fluffy American Pancakes and French Crepes. Plus, we have a list of pancake toppings you can try.
American Pancakes
Sops loves big fluffy American pancakes. These pancakes make a wonderful brunch option. They are certainly very filling. You will definitely want to fast the next day after enjoying these tasty treats.
- 200g Self Raising Flour (sifted)
- 50g Caster Sugar
- 250 ml Milk
- 2 Eggs
- Knob of butter
- Add the caster sugar to the sifted flour.
- Beat the eggs in a seperate bowl and add the milk.
- Add the egg and milk mixture to the flour. Whisk throroughly until you have a smooth batter.
- Heat up a fying pan with a knob of butter.
- Ladle a portion of the mixture into the fying pan. When bubbles start to form flip the pancake to do the other side.
- Serve with toppings of your choice. See below for ideas.

French Crepes
I must admit I prefer French crepes over the big fluffy American pancakes. Tossing a thin French crepe is part of the joy of pancake day. They are delicious with lemon and sugar, or any other topping that pickles your fancy.
- 110g/4oz plain flour sifted
- pinch of salt
- 2 eggs
- 200ml/7fl oz milk mixed
- 50g/2oz butter
- 1 tbsp caster sugar
- Add the pinch of salt to the sifted flour and mix it together with the caster sugar.
- Heat up the butter until it melts and add to the milk.
- Start to slowly add 2/3 of the milk and butter mixture to the flour. Then whisk again until you have a smooth batter.
- Beat the eggs in a seperate bowl and then add to the flour mixture.
- Add the remaining milk and butter mixture and whisk it thoroughly.
- Cover the bowl and put it the fridge for at least an hour or overnight.
- Heat a non-stick fyring pan until it gets really hot. Add a knob of butter and then ladle some batter into the pan. Make sure the batter covers most of the pan. Be sure the pan is really hot first. Leave to cook for about a minute and then toss the pancake to do the side.
- Once you have cooked a few pancakes serve with your favourite toppings.

Pancake Toppings
As promised here is a list of ideas for pancake toppings to try. What do you like to put on your pancakes? Please let us know in the comments below.

Preparing for Easter
As we mentioned before, Lent is a Christian event. It is a period of prayer and fasting. Some people give up something to help develop their self-control such as chocolate. Others like to take on a new healthy habit such as volunteering for the needy or running daily to exercise. All of this effort is to prepare our minds, souls, and bodies for the big Easter celebration. For more ideas on how to celebrate Easter this year, check out our post, ‘how to celebrate Easter‘.
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