Top Romantic Family Films Of All Time
How gushy are you feeling today? Are you ready to well-up with happy tears as you watch your favourite couple smooch on screen? I am a hopeless romantic and have watched thousands of romantic films over the years. Most of…
Christmas Traditions for Small Families
Family Traditions are extremely important, especially at Christmas time. It doesn’t matter if your family traditions involve the whole extended family with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Ethel, and strange Uncle Jim with their even stranger children, or you have a small…
How to give the perfect gift using personality types
There is always one in every family. You know who I mean, the really awkward person that no one knows what to buy for Christmas. They just seem to have everything they want and they don’t really appreciate what you…
How to Create Family Traditions
On May 1st Sops and I woke up at sunrise and washed our faces in the morning dew. Why? You ask. Because the fairies will grant us blemish-free skin for the year. British women have been following this ancient custom…