
Things to do in February Half Term

The February Half Term Holiday is one of the most challenging holiday breaks in the school calendar. It only lasts a week, so there is not much time to fly to warmer climates, especially if you are on a tight budget. The weather can still be rather cold and grey. Many seasonal leisure places such as pleasure beaches are not yet open to the public. So what is a family to do?

Here are a few ideas of things to do during the February Half Term.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day

St Valentine’s Day tends to fall in the February Half Term break. It’s a day when soppy couples like to show how soppy their love is. It is a bit of a marmite day for some people. But romantic love is very important and it is right that couples should celebrate this kind of love to rekindle the romance. So if your family wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day our post for children on How to celebrate St Valentine’s Day may be helpful.

Courtesy of Obi

Make Pancakes

Sometimes Shrove Tuesday falls in Half Term, depending on when Easter falls that year. But pancakes are yummy to eat any time of the year and during Half Term, you will have time to make pancakes for breakfast. So stir up a batter mix and enjoy some pancakes. Our post 8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pancake Day offers some tasty recipe ideas.

Attend Special Local Events

Whilst many seasonal leisure places may be closed during Half Term, quite a few local councils and museums tend to put on special Half Term Educational Events for families. For instance, here in Norfolk, the Science Festival is being held in Norwich. Check out your local Council Websites to see What’s On in your area. There are a few Useful Websites at the end of this post that may help.

Sort the house out

Are your cupboards getting full of junk you don’t want anymore? Are your wardrobes full of clothes that are too big, too small, or just out of season? Do you have a long list of DIY jobs to do? The February Half Term is a great week to manage these tasks. Sell your old stuff online using EBAY or Vinted or even Facebook Marketplace. Make some extra bob to put towards a holiday in the summer. That’s what Sops and I are doing this week.

Get out into the Garden

Officially February is still winter time and a hard frost may strike at any time. However, some days may be like springtime. You can tidy up the garden at this time. Pull a few weeds out. Clean the garden furniture. You could plant a few seeds indoors and watch the grow, ready to plant in the garden.

Go on a Nature Walk

If the weather is clement, then take your child on a nature walk. Go to some woodlands to see the snowdrops or crocus’. See if you can spot any signs of spring. Are trees starting so bud? Are birds returning from migrating? Take the time to observe nature. Just make sure you have a bag to collect all the random things that your child is bound to pick up.

Visit a Farm

There are plenty of lovely petting farms in the UK that your child can visit. They will have the opportunity to pet small creatures like bunnies or goats. They can learn where their food comes from and enjoy jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

Book Your Summer Holiday

Traditionally people book their summer holiday in January, but it is not too late to do it in February. The sales may still be on. But Hurry. Prices will start to go up from February on wards. You can spend a day scanning though holiday brochures and online looking for great deals. If you are not planning on going far away you may still need to book a summer holiday even if it is in the UK. You may be able to make the most of Early Bird deals in good quality holiday parks.

Fly a Magic Flying Carpet

Okay, not really. It is hard to find magic flying carpets these days. (Believe me, I’ve tried). What you can do instead is play the magic flying game. Spend an afternoon with your child exploring another country and its culture. This is a great game to play during the February Half Term. For more details check out our post The Magic Flying Carpet Game.

Useful Websites

I know we have not offered that many exciting ideas in this post. But we hope this list of useful websites will inspire you. Feel free to let us know what you are going to do during this February half Term Break in the comments below.

Norwich Science Festival
Warwick Castle
Visit London
Days Out With The Kids