• Pancake Day

    8 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pancake Day

    Pancake day, (otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is a Christian event to mark the start of Lent. Christians are encouraged to fast during Lent. This means they go without food on some days.…

  • Kid's Stuff

    Celebrating World Book Day

    World Book Day is Awesome! Children from around the world are dressing up as their favourite book characters and celebrating literature. World Book Day has been running for over 20 years. It was founded by Baroness Gail Rebuck. She wanted…

  • Celebrating Mothering Sunday

    Celebrating Mothering Sunday

    Mothering Sunday is one of the best days in the year in my opinion. After I had Sops I valued Mothering Sunday higher than my own birthday. Why? Because being a mum is hard work. I didn’t realise how challenging…

  • Two students studying in a park outside university

    Preparing For University

    So you are off to university, you brainy thing. We bet you can’t wait to go and spread your wings and learn new things. Not only will you learn new facts about your chosen subject, but you will also learn…

  • How to be at peace when you are one and done

    How to be a peace with only one child

    Guilt. It’s an ugly word, yet it seems to be a prevalent feeling amongst parents. People can feel guilty for having too many children and not being able to give each child the attention they deserve. Maybe parents feel guilty…

  • Girl studying at her lap top

    Homeschooling An Only Child

    Are you considering homeschooling your only child? Have people advised against it, saying your child will be lonely? Well, Fear Not! If your child has the right temperament, and you are able to meet your child’s needs, there is no…